Mission Statement

The Mount Holyoke Club of Northern California (“the Club”) fosters connections between alums, students, friends, and families based in the vast geographic area from California’s northern border all the way south to Modesto and east to Lake Tahoe. Every year, the Club hosts a mix of tradition-inspired events (like our Pangy Day Admitted Students Reception and Mountain Day Ice Cream Socials) and member-led ad hoc events (like trivia nights, museum tours, and meetups). We hope to engage as many alums as possible and always want to hear your event ideas or other comments. All are welcome and encouraged to participate in Club activities and attend our events.

Like the College, the Club is committed to “take on the work of becoming anti-racist collectively”, as well as to uphold “the shared values of our inclusive, respectful, agile and collaborative community” in line with the Alumnae Association’s strategic pillars. As alums of a gender-diverse women’s college, we are keenly aware of the importance of creating a welcoming and inclusive space. The Board welcomes thoughts and feedback from our members regarding how we can better support our community and make our values clear in our policies and practices.