Monthly Emails

December 2023 NorCal Club Newsletter

Campus in the Snow. Image borrowed from Mount Holyoke News, credited to Trinity Kendrick ’21. Do you have images from your time at MHC that you’d like to share? Send us an email! We’d love to use member images in our newsletters.

Happy December NorCal Alums!

We closed out 2023 with another excellent SCOTUS Session led by Barbara Creed (Wellesley alum). Keep an eye out for her 2024 presentations. We are welcoming the holiday season on Sunday, Dec 17th with holiday neighborhood strolls in two locations! Join us in Alameda on Christmas Tree Lane (Thompson Ave) or find us in Sacramento in the historic Fab 40’s neighborhood (M & 40th). Register on Eventbrite, dress warmly and get ready for some holiday cheer.

The board is already brainstorming ideas for events in 2024 and, as always, we welcome your thoughts, ideas or interest to host/co-host an event! Feel free to email us with questions or interest, or fill out this form at least a month in advance to make sure we get the word out.

Pay Your Dues

You can pay your dues for the 2023-2024 fiscal year or even become a Lifetime Member and never pay dues again! All dues payments and donations may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law – the Club is classified as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization – and help keep our volunteer-run Club afloat.

Join the Board

We welcome alums from our entire Northern California region, not just the Bay Area. Our Board meetings are via Zoom, so location truly doesn’t matter. We would love to have representation from throughout our incredibly large region!

Please peruse the board descriptions and reach out to us by email. We’re always looking for fresh perspectives, new ideas, and look forward to hearing from you.

Check out our upcoming events below. As always, please reach out if there is programming you’d like to see, an event you’d like to host, or you simply want to say hello. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and join our Club’s Facebook Page!

Our very best wishes,

– The Board

Upcoming Events:

Christmas Tree Lane Club Stroll
When: December 17th, 2023 at 7pm
Where: There will be two locations!
Alameda: 3200 Thompson Ave, Alameda, CA
We will meet on the corner of Thompson Ave & High Street in front of 3200
Sacramento: Historic Fab 40’s neighborhood (M & 40th)
We will meet on the westbound corner of M St., just west of 40th Street.
Cost: Free but please register on Eventbrite so we know how many to expect.

Alameda’s “Christmas Tree Lane,” the 3200 block of Thompson (53 houses), has been lighting up for Christmas since the 1930s so it’s a great local spot for some holiday cheer! Dress warmly and bring a warm drink to enjoy while we stroll along the street checking out the homes and their creative and unique decorations. Parking around Thompson Ave is fairly easy, but be prepared to park a block or two away. AC Transit buses to Thompson Ave can be caught at Fruitvale BART. Stroll takes an hour or less. Open to alums, their family and friends. Crowd size can vary.
Point person: Katie Wynen ’05

Join us in Sacramento for a family-friendly walk through the historic Fab 40’s neighborhood Christmas Lights. Deck yourselves in Mount Holyoke gear and be ready to meet new friends!
Parking in the immediate area may be difficult, so you can park for free in the City Bible Church’s parking lot (1101 51st Street) and take their free shuttle to M and 40th St. More details about the lot and shuttle can be found here: Fab Cab.
Point person: Bekah (Harkins) Rabiroff ‘03

January Book Club @ The Movies!
: Saturday, January 20, 2024
Where: East Bay, exact location TBD
Our next meeting will be in person (yay!). Saturday, January 20, 2024 in the East Bay (exact location TBD until we get closer to the date depending on which theaters are showing the movie). We will go see an early matinee of the bold new take on the beloved classic, The Color Purple and then grab lunch together for connection and discussion afterward. Please feel free to read (or reread) the original text before the movie in order to compare/contrast. Not required but will hopefully generate lively literary discussion!
Point person: Hannah Fairbanks ’03

Virtual Programming from the Alum Association

The College is offering a range of virtual programming and opportunities to connect. Learn more on the AA Events page.

Let’s Get Social!

To hear the latest about our programming in-between our monthly newsletters, we encourage you to connect with the Club on one or more forms of social media. We hope to see you at an event soon!