Monthly Emails

January 2023 NorCal Club Newsletter

Dear fellow alums, Happy New Year! We hope you all enjoyed a wonderful and restorative holiday season! We are looking forward to the year ahead and connecting with both new and familiar alums at our upcoming events, including our monthly book club gatherings, Mary Lyon tea celebrations, a virtual financial literacy happy hour, our annual […]

Monthly Emails

December 2022 NorCal Club Newsletter

Dear fellow alums, As 2022 comes to a close I am reflecting back on how great it was to be able to offer in-person events again, as well as continuing with our successful virtual events like our bi-monthly book club and the Barabara Creed SCOTUS sessions. Alums met up to walk their dogs together, celebrate […]

Monthly Emails

November 2022 NorCal Club Newsletter

Dear fellow alums, As we enter the final stretch of the year, we wish everyone good health and much prosperity.  On November 1, members of the NorCal and the Peninsula Clubs enjoyed an informative online discussion facilitated by Barbara Creed on important rulings made by the U.S. Supreme Court in the past term. Among the […]

Monthly Emails

October 2022 NorCal Club Newsletter

Dear fellow alums, It officially feels like fall in the Bay Area now that the foliage is changing from green to gold.  We’ve had a great lineup of events this September, beginning with another studio tour hosted by Shan Shan Sheng (MHCG ’83), followed by our monthly book club meeting, and Mountain Day ice cream […]

Monthly Emails

September 2022 NorCal Club Newsletter

Dear fellow alums, With the summer officially behind us, the NorCal Club is looking forward to a fantastic lineup of events for the fall and beyond, including Mountain Day 2022 celebrations throughout the Bay. Stay tuned for more details about this year’s programming. (Who can pass up ice cream and hiking?!) In the following weeks, […]

Monthly Emails

August 2022 NorCal Club Newsletter

Dear fellow alums, As we enter the last month of the summer season, we hope that everyone has had a chance to take a well-deserved break! (And if not, there’s still time! We all could benefit from a little R+R.)  It’s been a relatively quiet summer for the Club. Diana Martinez ‘11 led an alum […]

Monthly Emails

July 2022 NorCal Club Newsletter

Dear fellow alums, Thank you to those of you who attended the NorCal Club’s Hybrid Annual Meeting on June 9th. We had a lively dialogue, caught up with many alums we knew and met a few we didn’t, went over Club business, confirmed our new slate of Board members, and toasted this past year and […]

Monthly Emails

June 2022 NorCal Club Newsletter

Dear fellow alums, Many thanks to those of you who attended the Mary Lyon tea at Pardee Home Museum on May 22nd. Between the delectable refreshments, lively conversation, the gorgeous setting, and the bliss of gathering in person with other local alums (not to mention the private tour of such an amazing and historic site […]

Monthly Emails

May 2022 NorCal Club Newsletter

Dear fellow alums, Greetings from the NorCal Club! It feels like we just rang in 2022 and here we are, a third of the way through the calendar year and staring down the last two months of our Club’s fiscal year. Speaking of the end of the fiscal year, now is a great time to […]

Monthly Emails

April 2022 NorCal Club Newsletter

Dear fellow alums, Our hearts are heavy with the news cycle. The NorCal club stands in solidarity with Ukraine and opposes all acts of war. We hope that the opportunities to be in community with other local Mount Holyoke alums provide a sense of solace and a place to discuss current events, resources, and actions […]