
December 2019 NorCal Club Newsletter

Fellow alums,

What a wonderful November! Thanks to everyone who joined us at an event this past month. A special thanks to the Alum Association for hosting “Welcome to the Neighborhood: San Francisco” and to the Club of the Peninsula for hosting Vice President for Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer Kijua Sanders-McMurtry’s discussion on “The Complexity and Diversity of Gender at Women’s Colleges.” 

As we reflect on 2019, we are thrilled to have grown our Board. We changed up some internal positions, welcomed a new Treasurer, Communications Chair, Membership Chair, and one new general Board Member. Switching around roles and bringing in new officers allows us to approach the new year with renewed energy. 

In the coming year, we want to continue to cultivate community among our alums in Northern California (making a concerted effort to engage those of you outside the Bay Area), liaise with the Club of the Peninsula, and maintain our relationship with the College. We want to foster recent alum engagement as well as connect alums and current students. We want to keep bringing people together in person and via social media – so don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, as well as our newly-updated website for all the latest news and access to events (and update your Alum Directory profile, if this newsletter was forwarded to you and you’d like to receive monthly e-newsletters, too)! 

 It’s incredible looking back over the events we put on over the past year. In addition to our traditional annual events (the Admitted Students Reception, Annual Meeting, Mary Lyon Tea, Mountain Day Ice Cream Socials, and M&Cs/First Year Care Packages Assembling), we hosted two gatherings at the Presidio Picnic, an International Women’s Day Happy Hour at Robber Baron, a Recent Alum Happy Hour and Dirty Dancing screening at Drake’s Dealership, two Alums of Color Dinners at Swan’s Market, a hike at Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve for LGBTQIA+ alums, allies, and friends, a gathering at a There, There book talk, and an outing to see White Noise at Berkeley Rep.

 We also partnered with individual local alums – thank you for your collaboration and generosity – to co-host even more: a private morning for Seven Sisters alums and their families at Habitot Museum in Berkeley, a Mindfulness Meditation session at WITHIN Meditation in San Francisco, a brunch in Oakland, a casual dinner at Calavera in Oakland, and a private, docent-led tour of Folger Estates in Woodside. We were inspired by the dynamic recent alums who attended the “Welcome to the Neighborhood” event hosted by the College, and by Kijua Sanders-McMurtry’s thought-provoking discussion on gender diversity at women’s colleges, hosted by the Club of the Peninsula. 

 We are delighted to have spent time with so many of you this past year. Thank you for your participation in 2019. 

 As we look to 2020, we’d love to hear from you. Are there events or gatherings you’d like to see in the future? Let us know by sending an email to Would you like to publicize an upcoming event of your own? We encourage you to share it directly in our Facebook Group

We hope you all have a warm and nourishing holiday season. The Board is working on a slate of fun and diverse events for 2020. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Well wishes,

~ The Board 


Stay Connected 

We hope to see you at an event soon!